2013 //
Städtebau, Sklerose, Seeoase // article
Vienna - Graz - Linz - Bregenz // Austria
2012 //
Utopian Relevance // studio
Graz, Austria
LAGOS PROJECT 1.0 // master studio
Lagos, Nigeria // Graz, Austria
2011 //
Wachstum, Flut und Fluch // article, urbanism
Bangladesh, Nigeria
Scenarios On The Megalopolitan Future:
The Recreated Utopia // master studio
Graz, Austria
2010 //
Case Study Nigeria // research, urbanism
Lagos, Nigeria
Flooded Future // research, urbanism
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Lagos, Nigeria
Vision, Utopie, Kalkül // article, urbanism
Graz, Austria
2009 //
Case Study Bangladesh // research, urbanism
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Marienstüberl in der Rose // lecture
Graz, Austria
2008 //
Birnbaums Tonne // research, discussion
Graz, Austria
Sei Vogel, wenn du fliegst // documentary film
Graz, Austria
Gregors Stadt // research, exhibition, discussion
Graz, Austria
Change of Perspective // research, walk
Graz, Austria
Brothel for Graz // design
Graz, Austria
Adventmarkt Mehlplatz // design
Graz, Austria
Karlsplatz U-Bahn Passage // design
Vienna, Austria
transfurniture™ // design
Graz, Austria
2007 //
Blur Genres! // urbanism, design
Venice, Italy
Space Port Metropolis // research, urbanism
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2006 //
Free State Generator // urbanism
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Populate Green Haven! // urbanism
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Fungus // design
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
© 2005 - 2014 alpengold