Martin Zettel //

Martin Zettel is an architect, urban planner, critic and PhD candidate. He co-founded
alpengold in 2005, studied architecture at the TU Eindhoven (NL),
at Graz University
of Technology (AT) and worked for L.O.V.E. architecture and urbanism, Atelier Thomas
in Graz and West 8 urban design and landscape architecture in Rotterdam.
He held several studios of the Master Programme at Graz University of Technology at the
Institute of Urbanism together with Prof. Joost Meuwissen and lead the Studio for Design of
specialised topics at the Institute of Architectural Theory, History of Art and Cultural Studies
He currently works for the Town Planning Department at the urban administration of Graz
in the field of public space research and design.

project collaborations since 2005 with

David Aradeon // Tamara Jimanez Bernal
// Georg Hagenauer // Johannes Hagendorfer
Katja Hausleitner // Oliver Jungwirth // Bernhard Luthringshausen //
John Lynch
Martin Mathy // Hannes Mayer // Joost Meuwissen // Karin Noordanus // Erich Österbauer
Evelina Ozola // Carola Peschl //
Erich Ranegger // Winfried Ranz // Oscar Roca
Herwig Rogler // Ebru Sevincler // Splitterwerk //
Christin Veith // Moritz Wallmüller
Dietmar Weidinger // Thomas Wensing // Christoph Wiesmayr // Andi Winter

© 2005 - 2014  alpengold